Compare commits
No commits in common. "0c319aab1a1cc59aecad692b5e3d901d1cf496d6" and "1201505586246c6fe9f0b293ab1cdd3cb85c18f3" have entirely different histories.
@ -44,12 +44,11 @@ If not you need to create user and database manually do (or similar on Windows):
) | sudo mysql
Then you can install the database tables, this will update all tables from core + all enabled plugins.
*Hint:* The same command can be later used to upgrade the database after plugins or core are updated.
$ flaschengeist db upgrade heads
## Plugins
To only upgrade one plugin (for example the `events` plugin):
To only upgrade one plugin:
$ flaschengeist db upgrade events@head
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import logging
import pkg_resources
from pathlib import Path
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
__version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution("flaschengeist").version
_module_path = Path(__file__).parent
__pdoc__ = {}
logger: logging.Logger = LocalProxy(lambda: logging.getLogger(__name__))
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
import enum
from flask import Flask
import pkg_resources
from flask import Flask, current_app
from flask_cors import CORS
from datetime import datetime, date
from flask.json import JSONEncoder, jsonify
from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from flaschengeist.utils.plugin import get_plugins
from . import logger
from .plugins import Plugin
from .config import config, configure_app
from .utils.hook import Hook
from .plugins import AuthPlugin
from flaschengeist.config import config, configure_app
from flaschengeist.controller import roleController
from flaschengeist.utils.hook import Hook
class CustomJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
@ -37,35 +37,64 @@ class CustomJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def load_plugins(app: Flask):
def load_plugin(cls: type[Plugin]):
logger.debug(f"Load plugin {}")
# Initialize plugin with config section
plugin = cls(config.get(, config.get(".")[-1], {})))
# Register blueprint if provided
if plugin.blueprint is not None:
# Save plugin application context
app.config.setdefault("FG_PLUGINS", {})[] = plugin
return plugin
def __load_plugins(app):
logger.debug("Search for plugins")
for plugin_class in get_plugins():
names = [,".")[-1]]
if config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["auth"] in names:
# Load authentification plugin
app.config["FG_AUTH_BACKEND"] = load_plugin(plugin_class)
||||"Using authentication plugin: {}")
elif any([i in config and config[i].get("enabled", False) for i in names]):
# Load all other enabled plugins
||||"Using plugin: {}")
app.config["FG_PLUGINS"] = {}
for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("flaschengeist.plugins"):
logger.debug(f"Found plugin: >{}<")
if == config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["auth"] or (
|||| in config and config[].get("enabled", False)
logger.debug(f"Load plugin {}")
plugin = entry_point.load()
if not hasattr(plugin, "name"):
setattr(plugin, "name",
plugin = plugin(config.get(, {}))
if hasattr(plugin, "blueprint") and plugin.blueprint is not None:
f"Plugin {} was enabled, but could not be loaded due to an error.",
if isinstance(plugin, AuthPlugin):
if != config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["auth"]:
logger.debug(f"Unload not configured AuthPlugin {}")
del plugin
logger.debug(f"Skip disabled plugin {}")
||||"Using authentication plugin: {}")
app.config["FG_AUTH_BACKEND"] = plugin
||||"Using plugin: {}")
app.config["FG_PLUGINS"][] = plugin
logger.debug(f"Skip disabled plugin {}")
if "FG_AUTH_BACKEND" not in app.config:
logger.fatal("No authentication plugin configured or authentication plugin not found")
logger.error("No authentication plugin configured or authentication plugin not found")
raise RuntimeError("No authentication plugin configured or authentication plugin not found")
def install_all():
from flaschengeist.database import db
for name, plugin in current_app.config["FG_PLUGINS"].items():
if not plugin:
logger.debug(f"Skip disabled plugin: {name}")
||||"Install plugin {name}")
if plugin.permissions:
def create_app(test_config=None, cli=False):
app = Flask(__name__)
app.json_encoder = CustomJSONEncoder
@ -77,7 +106,7 @@ def create_app(test_config=None, cli=False):
configure_app(app, test_config, cli)
migrate.init_app(app, db, compare_type=True)
@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def __get_state():
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import
from pathlib import Path
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
from flaschengeist import logger
from flaschengeist import _module_path, logger
# Default config:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def update_dict(d, u):
def read_configuration(test_config):
global config
paths = [Path(__file__).parent]
paths = [_module_path]
if not test_config:
paths.append(Path.home() / ".config")
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def read_configuration(test_config):
def configure_logger(cli=False):
global config
# Read default config
logger_config = toml.load(Path(__file__).parent / "logging.toml")
logger_config = toml.load(_module_path / "logging.toml")
if "LOGGING" in config:
# Override with user config
@ -22,18 +22,8 @@ migrate = Migrate()
def configure_alembic(config):
"""Alembic configuration hook
Inject all migrations paths into the ``version_locations`` config option.
This includes even disabled plugins, as simply disabling a plugin without
uninstall can break the alembic version management.
import inspect, pathlib
from flaschengeist.utils.plugin import get_plugins
# Load migration paths from plugins
migrations = [(pathlib.Path(inspect.getfile(p)).parent / "migrations") for p in get_plugins()]
migrations = [str(m.resolve()) for m in migrations if m.exists()]
migrations = [str(p.migrations_path) for p in current_app.config["FG_PLUGINS"].values() if p and p.migrations_path]
if len(migrations) > 0:
# Get configured paths
paths = config.get_main_option("version_locations")
@ -1,142 +1,81 @@
"""Flaschengeist Plugins
## Custom database tables
You can add tables by declaring them using the SQLAlchemy syntax,
then use Alembic to generate migrations for your tables.
This allows Flaschengeist to proper up- or downgrade the
database tables if an user updates your plugin.
migrations have to be provided in a directory called `migrations`
next to your plugin. E.G.
- other/
- ...
- migrations/
## Useful Hooks
There are some predefined hooks, which might get handy for you.
For more information, please refer to
- `flaschengeist.utils.hook.HookBefore` and
- `flaschengeist.utils.hook.HookAfter`
import sqlalchemy
import pkg_resources
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
from werkzeug.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed, NotFound
from flaschengeist.controller import imageController
from flaschengeist.database import db
from flaschengeist.models.notification import Notification
from flaschengeist.models.user import _Avatar, User
from flaschengeist.models.setting import _PluginSetting
from flaschengeist.utils.hook import HookBefore, HookAfter
__all__ = [
# Documentation hacks, see
plugins_installed = HookAfter("plugins.installed")
plugins_installed.__doc__ = """Hook decorator for when all plugins are installed
"""Hook decorator for when all plugins are installed
Possible use case would be to populate the database with some presets.
Possible use case would be to populate the database with some presets.
hook_result: void (kwargs)
plugins_loaded = HookAfter("plugins.loaded")
plugins_loaded.__doc__ = """Hook decorator for when all plugins are loaded
"""Hook decorator for when all plugins are loaded
Possible use case would be to check if a specific other plugin is loaded and change own behavior
Possible use case would be to check if a specific other plugin is loaded and change own behavior
Passed args:
- *app:* Current flask app instance (args)
app: Current flask app instance (args)
hook_result: void (kwargs)
before_role_updated = HookBefore("update_role")
before_role_updated.__doc__ = """Hook decorator for when roles are modified
Passed args:
- *role:* `flaschengeist.models.user.Role` to modify
- *new_name:* New name if the name was changed (*None* if delete)
"""Hook decorator for when roles are modified
role: Role object to modify
new_name: New name if the name was changed (None if delete)
after_role_updated = HookAfter("update_role")
after_role_updated.__doc__ = """Hook decorator for when roles are modified
Passed args:
- *role:* modified `flaschengeist.models.user.Role`
- *new_name:* New name if the name was changed (*None* if deleted)
"""Hook decorator for when roles are modified
role: Role object containing the modified role
new_name: New name if the name was changed (None if deleted)
before_update_user = HookBefore("update_user")
before_update_user.__doc__ = """Hook decorator, when ever an user update is done, this is called before.
Passed args:
- *user:* `flaschengeist.models.user.User` object
"""Hook decorator, when ever an user update is done, this is called before.
user: User object
before_delete_user = HookBefore("delete_user")
before_delete_user.__doc__ = """Hook decorator,this is called before an user gets deleted.
Passed args:
- *user:* `flaschengeist.models.user.User` object
"""Hook decorator,this is called before an user gets deleted.
user: User object
class Plugin:
"""Base class for all Plugins
If your class uses custom models add a static property called ``models``"""
All plugins must be derived from this class.
There are some static properties a plugin must provide,
and some properties a plugin can provide if you might want
to use more functionality.
- *id*: Unique identifier of your plugin
- *blueprint*: `flask.Blueprint` providing your routes
- *permissions*: List of your custom permissions
- *models*: Your models, used for API export
- *version*: Version of your plugin, can also be guessed by Flaschengeist
id: str = None
"""Override with the unique ID of the plugin
Hint: Use a fully qualified name like "dev.flaschengeist.plugin"
blueprint = None
blueprint = None # You have to override
"""Override with a `flask.blueprint` if the plugin uses custom routes"""
permissions: list[str] = [] # You have to override
permissions = [] # You have to override
"""Override to add custom permissions used by the plugin
A good style is to name the permissions with a prefix related to the plugin name,
to prevent clashes with other plugins. E. g. instead of *delete* use *plugin_delete*.
models = None
"""Override with models module
Used for API export, has to be a static property
version = None
"""Override with a custom version, optional
If not set, the version is guessed from the package / distribution
id = "dev.flaschengeist.plugin" # You have to override
"""Override with the unique ID of the plugin (Hint: FQN)"""
name = "plugin" # You have to override
"""Override with human readable name of the plugin"""
models = None # You have to override
"""Override with models module"""
migrations_path = None # Override this with the location of your db migrations directory
"""Override with path to migration files, if custome db tables are used"""
def __init__(self, config=None):
"""Constructor called by create_app
config: Dict configuration containing the plugin section
self.version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.__module__.split(".")[0]).version
def install(self):
"""Installation routine
@ -145,17 +84,6 @@ class Plugin:
def uninstall(self):
"""Uninstall routine
If the plugin has custom database tables, make sure to remove them.
This can be either done by downgrading the plugin *head* to the *base*.
Or use custom migrations for the uninstall and *stamp* some version.
Is always called with Flask application context.
def get_setting(self, name: str, **kwargs):
"""Get plugin setting from database
@ -167,8 +95,6 @@ class Plugin:
`KeyError` if no such setting exists in the database
from flaschengeist.models.setting import _PluginSetting
setting = (
_PluginSetting.query.filter(_PluginSetting.plugin ==
@ -189,9 +115,6 @@ class Plugin:
name: String identifying the setting
value: Value to be stored
from flaschengeist.models.setting import _PluginSetting
from flaschengeist.database import db
setting = (
_PluginSetting.query.filter(_PluginSetting.plugin ==
.filter( == name)
@ -218,9 +141,6 @@ class Plugin:
Hint: use the data for frontend actions.
from flaschengeist.models.notification import Notification
from flaschengeist.database import db
if not user.deleted:
n = Notification(text=text, data=data,, user_=user)
@ -237,11 +157,6 @@ class Plugin:
class AuthPlugin(Plugin):
"""Base class for all authentification plugins
See also `Plugin`
def login(self, user, pw):
"""Login routine, MUST BE IMPLEMENTED!
@ -304,7 +219,7 @@ class AuthPlugin(Plugin):
raise MethodNotAllowed
def get_avatar(self, user):
def get_avatar(self, user: User) -> _Avatar:
"""Retrieve avatar for given user (if supported by auth backend)
Default behavior is to use native Image objects,
@ -318,23 +233,21 @@ class AuthPlugin(Plugin):
raise NotFound
def set_avatar(self, user, file):
def set_avatar(self, user: User, file: FileStorage):
"""Set the avatar for given user (if supported by auth backend)
Default behavior is to use native Image objects stored on the Flaschengeist server
user: User to set the avatar for
file: `werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage` uploaded by the user
file: FileStorage object uploaded by the user
MethodNotAllowed: If not supported by Backend
Any valid HTTP exception
from flaschengeist.controller import imageController
user.avatar_ = imageController.upload_image(file)
def delete_avatar(self, user):
def delete_avatar(self, user: User):
"""Delete the avatar for given user (if supported by auth backend)
Default behavior is to use the imageController and native Image objects.
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ from flaschengeist.controller import sessionController, userController
class AuthRoutePlugin(Plugin):
id = "dev.flaschengeist.auth"
blueprint = Blueprint("auth", __name__)
name = "auth"
blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__)
@AuthRoutePlugin.blueprint.route("/auth", methods=["POST"])
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ from flaschengeist.plugins import AuthPlugin, before_role_updated
class AuthLDAP(AuthPlugin):
id = "auth_ldap"
def __init__(self, config):
@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ from flaschengeist import logger
class AuthPlain(AuthPlugin):
id = "auth_plain"
def install(self):
@ -57,10 +57,9 @@ def service_debit():
class BalancePlugin(Plugin):
"""Balance Plugin"""
name = "balance"
id = "dev.flaschengeist.balance"
blueprint = Blueprint("balance", __name__)
blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__)
permissions = permissions.permissions
plugin: "BalancePlugin" = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.config["FG_PLUGINS"][])
models = models
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def get_balance(userid, current_session: Session):
Route: ``/users/<userid>/balance`` | Method: ``GET``
GET-parameters: ``{from?: string, to?: string}``
GET-parameters: ```{from?: string, to?: string}```
userid: Userid of user to get balance from
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def get_transactions(userid, current_session: Session):
Route: ``/users/<userid>/balance/transactions`` | Method: ``GET``
GET-parameters: ``{from?: string, to?: string, limit?: int, offset?: int}``
GET-parameters: ```{from?: string, to?: string, limit?: int, offset?: int}```
userid: Userid of user to get transactions from
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ from . import Plugin
class MailMessagePlugin(Plugin):
id = "dev.flaschengeist.mail_plugin"
def __init__(self, config):
self.server = config["SERVER"]
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ from . import pricelist_controller, permissions
class PriceListPlugin(Plugin):
id = "dev.flaschengeist.pricelist"
name = "pricelist"
permissions = permissions.permissions
blueprint = Blueprint("pricelist", __name__, url_prefix="/pricelist")
blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__, url_prefix="/pricelist")
plugin = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.config["FG_PLUGINS"][])
models = models
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ from . import permissions
class RolesPlugin(Plugin):
id = "dev.flaschengeist.roles"
blueprint = Blueprint("roles", __name__)
name = "roles"
blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__)
permissions = permissions.permissions
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ from flaschengeist.utils.datetime import from_iso_format
class UsersPlugin(Plugin):
id = "dev.flaschengeist.users"
blueprint = Blueprint("users", __name__)
name = "users"
blueprint = Blueprint(name, __name__)
permissions = permissions.permissions
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ _hooks_after = {}
def Hook(function=None, id=None):
"""Hook decorator
Use to decorate functions as hooks, so plugins can hook up their custom functions.
# `id` passed as `arg` not `kwarg`
@ -39,10 +38,8 @@ def Hook(function=None, id=None):
def HookBefore(id: str):
"""Decorator for functions to be called before a Hook-Function is called
The hooked up function must accept the same arguments as the function hooked onto,
as the functions are called with the same arguments.
Hint: This enables you to modify the arguments!
if not id or not isinstance(id, str):
@ -57,18 +54,9 @@ def HookBefore(id: str):
def HookAfter(id: str):
"""Decorator for functions to be called after a Hook-Function is called
As with the HookBefore, the hooked up function must accept the same
arguments as the function hooked onto, but also receives a
`hook_result` kwarg containing the result of the function.
def my_func(hook_result):
# This function is executed after the function registered with ""
print(hook_result) # This is the result of the function
if not id or not isinstance(id, str):
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
"""Plugin utils
Utilities for handling Flaschengeist plugins
import pkg_resources
from flaschengeist import logger
from flaschengeist.plugins import Plugin
def get_plugins() -> list[type[Plugin]]:
"""Get all installed plugins for Flaschengeist
list of classes implementing `flaschengeist.plugins.Plugin`
logger.debug("Search for plugins")
plugins = []
for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("flaschengeist.plugins"):
logger.debug(f"Found plugin: >{}<")
plugin_class = entry_point.load()
if issubclass(plugin_class, Plugin):
except TypeError:
logger.error(f"Invalid entry point for plugin {} found.")
return plugins
def plugin_version(plugin: type[Plugin]) -> str:
"""Get version of plugin
Returns the version of a plugin, if plugin does not set the
version property, the version of the package providing the
plugin is taken.
plugin: Plugin or Plugin class
Version as string
if plugin.version:
return plugin.version
return pkg_resources.get_distribution(plugin.__module__.split(".", 1)[0]).version
Reference in New Issue