import os import toml import logging.config import from pathlib import Path from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix from flaschengeist import _module_path, logger # Default config: config = {"DATABASE": {"engine": "mysql", "port": 3306}} def update_dict(d, u): for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, d[k] = update_dict(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d def read_configuration(test_config): global config paths = [_module_path] if not test_config: paths.append(Path.home() / ".config") if "FLASCHENGEIST_CONF" in os.environ: paths.append(Path(os.environ.get("FLASCHENGEIST_CONF"))) for loc in paths: try: with (loc / "flaschengeist.toml").open() as source: logger.warning(f"Reading config file from >{loc}<") # default root logger, goes to stderr update_dict(config, toml.load(source)) except IOError: pass if test_config: update_dict(config, test_config) def configure_logger(cli=False): global config # Read default config logger_config = toml.load(_module_path / "logging.toml") if "LOGGING" in config: # Override with user config update_dict(logger_config, config.get("LOGGING")) # Check for shortcuts if "level" in config["LOGGING"] or isinstance(cli, int): level = cli if cli and isinstance(cli, int) else config["LOGGING"]["level"] logger_config["loggers"]["flaschengeist"] = {"level": level} logger_config["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = level logger_config["handlers"]["file"]["level"] = level if cli is True or not config["LOGGING"].get("console", True): logger_config["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = "CRITICAL" if not cli and isinstance(config["LOGGING"].get("file", False), str): logger_config["root"]["handlers"].append("file") logger_config["handlers"]["file"]["filename"] = config["LOGGING"]["file"] Path(config["LOGGING"]["file"]).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: del logger_config["handlers"]["file"] logging.config.dictConfig(logger_config) def configure_app(app, test_config=None, cli=False): global config read_configuration(test_config) configure_logger(cli) # Always enable this builtin plugins! update_dict( config, { "auth": {"enabled": True}, "roles": {"enabled": True}, "users": {"enabled": True}, "scheduler": {"enabled": True}, }, ) if "secret_key" not in config["FLASCHENGEIST"]: logger.warning("No secret key was configured, please configure one for production systems!") app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "0a657b97ef546da90b2db91862ad4e29" else: app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["secret_key"] if test_config is not None: config["DATABASE"]["engine"] = "sqlite" if config["DATABASE"]["engine"] == "mysql": engine = "mysql" try: # Try mysqlclient first from MySQLdb import _mysql except ModuleNotFoundError: engine += "+pymysql" options = "?charset=utf8mb4" elif config["DATABASE"]["engine"] == "postgres": engine = "postgresql+psycopg2" options = "?client_encoding=utf8" elif config["DATABASE"]["engine"] == "sqlite": engine = "sqlite" options = "" host = "" else: logger.error(f"Invalid database engine configured. >{config['DATABASE']['engine']}< is unknown") raise Exception if config["DATABASE"]["engine"] in ["mysql", "postgresql"]: host = "{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}".format( user=config["DATABASE"]["user"], password=config["DATABASE"]["password"], host=config["DATABASE"]["host"], port=config["DATABASE"]["port"], ) app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = f"{engine}://{host}/{config['DATABASE']['database']}{options}" app.config["SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS"] = False if "root" in config["FLASCHENGEIST"]: logger.debug("Setting application root to >{}<".format(config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["root"])) app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"] = config["FLASCHENGEIST"]["root"] if config["FLASCHENGEIST"].get("proxy", False): logger.debug("Fixing wsgi_app for using behind a proxy server") app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_proto=1, x_host=1)