[FLASCHENGEIST] # Select authentication provider (builtin: auth_plain, auth_ldap) auth = "auth_plain" # Enable if you run flaschengeist behind a proxy, e.g. nginx + gunicorn #proxy = false # Set root path, prefixes all routes #root = /api # Set secret key secret_key = "V3ryS3cr3t" [LOGGING] file = "/tmp/flaschengeist-debug.log" # DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR #level = "WARNING" [DATABASE] user = "user" host = "" password = "password" database = "database" [auth_plain] enabled = true #[auth_ldap] # enabled = true # URL = # PORT = # BINDDN = # SECRET = # USE_SSL = ## ADMIN_DN: ## ADMIN_SECRET: #[users] # allways enabled # ## allowed values: false, "managed", "public" ## false: Disable registration ## "managed": only users with matching permission are allowed to register new users ## "public": Also unautheticated users can register an account # registration = False ############################ # Configuration of plugins # ############################ #[mail] # enabled = true # SERVER = # PORT = # USER = # PASSWORD = # MAIL = # SSL or STARTLS # CRYPT = SSL [balance] enabled = true [geruecht] enabled = false