from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify import geruecht.controller.ldapController as lc import geruecht.controller.userController as uc from datetime import datetime from geruecht.model import BAR, MONEY, USER, VORSTAND from geruecht.decorator import login_required baruser = Blueprint("baruser", __name__) ldap= lc.LDAPController() userController = uc.UserController() @baruser.route("/bar") @login_required(groups=[BAR]) def _bar(**kwargs): """ Main function for Baruser Returns JSON-file with all Users, who hast amounts in this month. Returns: JSON-File with Users, who has amounts in this month or ERROR 401 Permission Denied """ dic = {} users = userController.getAllUsersfromDB() for user in users: geruecht = None geruecht = user.getGeruecht( if geruecht is not None: month = geruecht.getMonth( amount = month[0] - month[1] all = geruecht.getSchulden() if all != 0: if all >= 0: type = 'credit' else: type = 'amount' dic[user.uid] = {"username": user.uid, "firstname": user.firstname, "lastname": user.lastname, "amount": all, "locked": user.locked, "type": type } return jsonify(dic) @baruser.route("/baradd", methods=['POST']) @login_required(groups=[BAR]) def _baradd(**kwargs): """ Function for Baruser to add amount This function added to the user with the posted userID the posted amount. Returns: JSON-File with userID and the amount or ERROR 401 Permission Denied """ data = request.get_json() userID = data['userId'] amount = int(data['amount']) date = userController.addAmount(userID, amount, year=date.year, month=date.month) user = userController.getUser(userID) geruecht = user.getGeruecht(year=date.year) month = geruecht.getMonth(month=date.month) amount = abs(month[0] - month[1]) all = geruecht.getSchulden() if all >= 0: type = 'credit' else: type = 'amount' dic = user.toJSON() dic['amount'] = abs(all) dic['type'] = type return jsonify(dic) @baruser.route("/barGetUsers") @login_required(groups=[BAR, MONEY]) def _getUsers(**kwargs): """ Get Users without amount This Function returns all Users, who hasn't an amount in this month. Returns: JSON-File with Users or ERROR 401 Permission Denied """ retVal = {} retVal = ldap.getAllUser() return jsonify(retVal) @baruser.route("/bar/storno", methods=['POST']) @login_required(groups=[BAR]) def _storno(**kwargs): """ Function for Baruser to storno amount This function added to the user with the posted userID the posted amount. Returns: JSON-File with userID and the amount or ERROR 401 Permission Denied """ data = request.get_json() userID = data['userId'] amount = int(data['amount']) date = userController.addCredit(userID, amount, year=date.year, month=date.month) user = userController.getUser(userID) geruecht = user.getGeruecht(year=date.year) month = geruecht.getMonth(month=date.month) amount = abs(month[0] - month[1]) all = geruecht.getSchulden() if all >= 0: type = 'credit' else: type = 'amount' dic = user.toJSON() dic['amount'] = abs(all) dic['type'] = type return jsonify(dic) @baruser.route("/barGetUser", methods=['POST']) @login_required(groups=[BAR]) def _getUser(**kwargs): data = request.get_json() username = data['userId'] user = userController.getUser(username) amount = user.getGeruecht( if amount >= 0: type = 'credit' else: type = 'amount' retVal = user.toJSON() retVal['amount'] = amount retVal['type'] = type return jsonify(retVal) @baruser.route("/search", methods=['GET']) @login_required(groups=[BAR, MONEY, USER,VORSTAND]) def _search(**kwargs): retVal = ldap.getAllUser() for user in retVal: if user['username'] == 'extern': retVal.remove(user) break return jsonify(retVal)