add big sign for #32
add query for tabs add and transfer, also for show storno
fix notifications, add notification when authorized person do debit or credit
fix update balance on adminpage #31
(balance) limits can be positiv
services can be fractional
Services can be negative
Admin balance does not update table when amount is changed.
es ist möglich beim Gerücht positiv Werte zu buchen
elif (
amount < 0
and (
(user == current_session.user_ and user.has_permission(permissions.DEBIT_OWN))
or current_session.user_.has_permis…
es ist möglich beim Gerücht positiv Werte zu buchen
Mail is in timeout and have to reconnect
pushed tag v1.0.0-alpha.8 to Flaschengeist/flaschengeist-schedule
2023-05-08 19:41:33 +00:00