import { boot } from 'quasar/wrappers'; import { RouteConfig } from 'vue-router'; import { VueRouter } from 'vue-router/types/router'; import { Store } from 'vuex'; import { StateInterface } from 'src/store'; import { FG_Plugin } from 'src/plugins'; import routes from 'src/router/routes'; import { axios } from 'boot/axios'; import { AxiosResponse } from 'axios'; const config = { // Do not change required Modules !! requiredModules: ['User'], // here you can import plugins. loadModules: ['Balance', 'Schedule', 'Pricelist'] }; // do not change anything here !! // combine routes from source to target interface BackendPlugin { permissions: string[]; version: string; } interface BackendPlugins { [key: string]: BackendPlugin | null; } interface Backend { plugins: BackendPlugins[]; version: string; } export { Backend }; function combineRoutes( target: RouteConfig[], source: FG_Plugin.PluginRouteConfig[], mainPath: '/' | '/main' = '/' ): RouteConfig[] { target.forEach(target => { if (target.path === mainPath) { source.forEach((sourceMainConfig: FG_Plugin.PluginRouteConfig) => { const targetMainConfig = target.children?.find((targetMainConfig: RouteConfig) => { return sourceMainConfig.path === targetMainConfig.path; }); if (targetMainConfig) { const sourceChildren: RouteConfig[] = []; sourceMainConfig.children?.forEach(child => { sourceChildren.push(child); }); if (targetMainConfig.children) { targetMainConfig.children = Object.assign(targetMainConfig.children, sourceChildren); } else { targetMainConfig.children = sourceChildren; } } else { if (target.children === undefined) { target.children = []; } if ( sourceMainConfig.children && sourceMainConfig.children.length > 0 && !sourceMainConfig.component ) sourceMainConfig.component = () => import('src/components/navigation/EmptyParent.vue'); target.children.push(sourceMainConfig); } }); } }); return target; } // combine Links of Plugins from source to target function combineMainLinks( target: FG_Plugin.PluginMainLink[], source: FG_Plugin.PluginRouteConfig ): FG_Plugin.PluginMainLink[] { const targetPluginMainLink: FG_Plugin.PluginMainLink | undefined = target.find( (targetPluginMainLink: FG_Plugin.PluginMainLink) => { console.log(targetPluginMainLink.title, source.title); return targetPluginMainLink.title == source.title; } ); if (targetPluginMainLink) { source.children?.forEach((sourcePluginChildLink: FG_Plugin.PluginRouteConfig) => { targetPluginMainLink.children.push({ title: sourcePluginChildLink.title, icon: sourcePluginChildLink.icon, link:, name:, permissions: sourcePluginChildLink.meta?.permissions }); }); } else { const mainLink: FG_Plugin.PluginMainLink = { title: source.title, icon: source.icon, link:, name:, permissions: source.meta?.permissions }; source.children?.forEach(child => { if (mainLink.children === undefined) { mainLink.children = []; } mainLink.children.push({ title: child.title, icon: child.icon, link:, name:, permissions: child.meta?.permissions }); }); target.push(mainLink); } return target; } function loadShortCuts( target: FG_Plugin.ShortCutLink[], source: FG_Plugin.PluginRouteConfig[] ): FG_Plugin.ShortCutLink[] { source.forEach(route => { if (route.shortcut) { target.push({ link:, icon: route.icon, permissions: route.meta?.permissions }); } if (route.children) { target = loadShortCuts(target, route.children); } }); return target; } // loade plugins function loadPlugin( loadedPlugins: FG_Plugin.LoadedPlugins, modules: string[], backendpromise: Promise, plugins: FG_Plugin.Plugin[], store: Store, router: VueRouter ): FG_Plugin.LoadedPlugins { modules.forEach(requiredModule => { const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => { return == requiredModule; }); if (plugin) { if (plugin.mainRoutes) { loadedPlugins.routes = combineRoutes(loadedPlugins.routes, plugin.mainRoutes, '/main'); plugin.mainRoutes.forEach(route => { loadedPlugins.mainLinks = combineMainLinks(loadedPlugins.mainLinks, route); }); loadedPlugins.shortcuts = loadShortCuts(loadedPlugins.shortcuts, plugin.mainRoutes); } if (plugin.outRoutes) { loadedPlugins.routes = combineRoutes(loadedPlugins.routes, plugin.outRoutes); loadedPlugins.shortcutsOut = loadShortCuts(loadedPlugins.shortcutsOut, plugin.outRoutes); } if (plugin.widgets.length > 0) { plugin.widgets.forEach(widget => ( = + '_' +; Array.prototype.push.apply(loadedPlugins.widgets, plugin.widgets); } if ( {, store_namespace) => { store.registerModule(store_namespace, store_plugin); }); } loadedPlugins.plugins.push({ name:, version: plugin.version }); } else { console.exception(`Could not find required Plugin ${requiredModule}`); router.push({ name: 'error' }).catch(e => { console.warn(e); }); } }); return loadedPlugins; } async function getBackend(): Promise { let backend: Backend | null = null; try { const response: AxiosResponse = await axios.get('/'); backend =; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return null; } finally { return backend; } } // "async" is optional; // more info on params: export default boot>(({ Vue, router, store }) => { const plugins: FG_Plugin.Plugin[] = []; const backendPromise = getBackend(); let loadedPlugins: FG_Plugin.LoadedPlugins = { routes, plugins: [], mainLinks: [], shortcuts: [], shortcutsOut: [], widgets: [] }; // get all plugins const pluginsContext = require.context('src/plugins', true, /.+\/plugin.ts$/); pluginsContext.keys().forEach((fileName: string) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access plugins.push(pluginsContext(fileName).default); }); // check dependencies backendPromise .then(backend => { console.log(backend); if (backend) { plugins.forEach((plugin: FG_Plugin.Plugin) => { plugin.requiredModules.forEach((requiredModule: string) => { if ( !( config.requiredModules.includes(requiredModule) || config.loadModules.includes(requiredModule) ) ) { console.error(`Plugin ${} need Plugin ${requiredModule}`); router.push({ name: 'error' }).catch(e => { console.warn(e); }); } }); plugin.requiredBackendModules.forEach((requiredBackendModule: string) => { if (!(requiredBackendModule in backend.plugins)) { console.error( `Plugin ${} need Plugin ${requiredBackendModule} in backend.` ); router.push({ name: 'error' }).catch(err => { console.warn(err); }); } }); }); } }) .catch(e => { console.error(e); }); // load plugins loadedPlugins = loadPlugin( loadedPlugins, config.requiredModules, backendPromise, plugins, store, router ); loadedPlugins = loadPlugin( loadedPlugins, config.loadModules, backendPromise, plugins, store, router ); loadedPlugins.widgets.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority); // add new routes for plugins, flatten them to allow empty parent routes router.addRoutes(loadedPlugins.routes); // save plugins in VM-variable // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access Vue.prototype.$flaschengeistPlugins = loadedPlugins; });