
1.1 KiB

Flaschengeist (frontend)

Modular student club administration system, licensed under the MIT license.


Install the dependencies

yarn install

Configure Plugins

You can activate and deactive Plugins in src/boot/plugins.ts. You have to set the name of the Plugin into config.loadModules.

Build the application

yarn quasar build


Icons used

We are using the mdi-v5 icon set, so feel free to use any icon from it. A list can be found here

Commands useful for development

Start the app in development mode

Provides hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.

yarn quasar dev

File linting

yarn run lint


Build a Plugin

A Flaschengeist-Frontend-Plugin should be placed in src/plugins. It needs a plugin.ts File which exports a plugin with the following interface:

name: string;
mainRoutes?: PluginRouteConfig[];
outRoutes?: PluginRouteConfig[];
requiredModules: string[];
version: string;

You have to import FG_Plugin from plugins.d.ts.