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Flaschengeist (frontend)

Modular student club administration system, licensed under the MIT license.



 "engines": {
    "node": ">= 14.18.1",
    "npm": ">= 6.14.12",
    "yarn": ">= 1.22.0"

So on debian (buster and bullseye) you will need to install node.js and yarn beside the debian packages to meet the needed versions.

pushd ~/opt
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v16.x/node-v16.13.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
tar -xJf node-v16.13.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
export PATH="$(pwd)/node-v16.13.0-linux-x64/bin":"$PATH"
npm i -g yarn
npm i -g @quasar/cli

Install the dependencies

yarn install

Be aware npm might not work.

Configure Plugins

Installing a plugin

Simply add it as a dependency and install it, for example installing the pricelist-plugin:

yarn add '@flaschengeist/pricelist'
yarn install

Enable / Disable a plugin

After installing a plugin you will have to enable it, this is done by adding it to the plugin.config.js file. For the example above the file should look like:

module.exports = [
  // pricelist plugin:

Remember to rebuild the project

Configure Backend

The application is using the API of the backend This access needs to be configured in `src/config.ts'->config.baseURL

  • either you do have a proxy webserver that maps the '/api' to the backend (http://localhost:5000) or
  • you do directly configure the backend there:baseURL: 'http://localhost:5000'. Be aware not committing this configuration.

Build the application

yarn quasar build

Notes on mobile apps (Cordova)

For mobile applications older web engines should or must be supported, as manufaturer often do not update their phones, so for building cordova apps set the BROWSERSLIST_ENV environment variable to BROWSERSLIST_ENV=cordova. This will produce ECDMAscript compatible with iOS 13+ and Android Webview 76 (relased October 2019).


Please refer to our development wiki.